Singing Guide: Rolf Harris

Singing Guide: Rolf Harris

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn singing like Rolf Harris, you're in luck. The legendary Australian entertainer is known for his unique vocal style, which combines a deep, rich speaking voice with an equally distinctive singing voice. The good news is that with a bit of practice and some helpful Singing Carrots resources, anyone can start to develop their own version of Rolf Harris's signature sound.

One of the first things to consider is Rolf's vocal range, which spans from a low bass to a high tenor. Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test can help you identify your own vocal range and compare it with other famous singers, including Rolf Harris. Once you've got a handle on your range, you can start to work on developing the breath control and support necessary to hit those high and low notes.

Breath support is a crucial element of Rolf's singing style, and Singing Carrots' articles on breathing can help you build this skill. For example, "Active and Passive Breathing" discusses the importance of breathing deeply and using the diaphragm to control air flow, while "Breath Support and Respiration" covers techniques for increasing lung capacity and developing greater control.

Another key aspect of Rolf's technique is his use of vocal registers, which he shifts seamlessly from full-throated belting to quieter, breathier sounds. Singing Carrots' article on "Voice Registers and Vocal Break" can help you understand this concept in more detail and provide exercises to help you practice moving through your own vocal registers.

Finally, it's worth noting that Rolf's expressive and dynamic singing style also involves a fair amount of acting and storytelling. Singing Carrots' resources on Articulation and Emotion Control can help you develop the skills you need to imbue your singing with nuance and meaning.

With the right combination of practice, breath support, and creative exploration, you can start to learn to sing like Rolf Harris and make his signature sound your own. Along the way, you can continue to explore the many resources available at Singing Carrots, including pitch training, vocal training, warm-ups, and more. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.